Bollywood action superstars Hrithik Roshan and Saif Ali Khan's upcoming movie Vikram Vedha's first song is out now titled "Alcoholia". The song release event was organized by Reliance Music Industry in top Indian cities and one big song premiere event was organized in Mumbai was live telecast on Youtube. In the past week, the actors and directors shared the thrilling teaser of the film that gave fans an excited wait.
Song Details
Vikram Vedha's song name is 'Alcoholia'. Music is given by Vishal and Shekhar and the lyrics by Manoj Muntashir sung by thrilling jodi singer Vishal and Shekhar. The fans are waiting for the film Vikram Vedha. This film is directed by Pushkar & Gayatri and the stars are Hrithik Roshan, Saif Ali Khan and Radhika Apte, released on 30th September 2022.