Ayushmann Khurrana is ready to show his acting with Ananya Pandey in his upcoming sequel of Dream Girl 2. He shares the announcement video on social media saying, “Aapki Dream Girl phir se aa rahi hai". In the video, Ayushmann's character thinks about the situation in the Bollywood film industry. Directed and produced by Ekta Kapoor, Ayushmann and Raaj Shandilya with co-star Ananya Pandey. The actors have dropped a teaser 'Dream Girl 2', which is all set for a worldwide release on June 29, 2023.
Also, many actors were featured in part 2, like Paresh Rawal, Annu Kapoor, Vijay Raaz, Abhishek Banerjee, Seema Pahwa, Manoj Joshi, Rajpal Yadav, and Manjot Singh. Ayushmann plays the role of Karam in Dream Girl, who is about a small town boy in Mathura and his lady Ananya Pandey plays the role of Pari, who is Karam's love. Karam turns into Pooja, which creates twists and turns.
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