Bollywood actor Ayushmann Khurrana is known for versatility for different roles in Bollywood. Now he has announced his next movie with his co-star actress Rakul Preet Singh and also a Bigg Boss contestant, Shefali Shah. Directed by Anubhuti Kashyap and produced by Vineet Jain and Ayushmann Khurrana.
The first look of the movie was shared by actors to their fans on social media accounts. In the first Poster it says "Be Patient, Doctor G Appointment Opens From" and in the next poster says "Doctor G Inki Toh Lag Gayi" featuring Ayushmann Khurrana.
About Trailer
After the release of the first look, fans are awaiting to see the trailer of this movie. Yes, the trailer release date is confirmed and that is tomorrow. This means that the trailer releases on 20 September 2022 featuring Ayushmann Khurrana, Rakul Singh and, Shefali Shah and the film is ready to release in cinemas on 14 Oct 2022...