The Bollywood's upcoming comedy movie Doctor G official trailer is out now featuring Ayushmann Khurrana and Rakul Preet Singh. The trailer was outstanding and included different scenes from other bollywood movies, as the most popular scene of pregnancy in 3 Idiots is also recreated and the role on the bed is played by Ayushmann Khurrana. Ayushmann Khurrana plays the role of doctor as Doctor Uday Gupta, who wants to be a specialise in orthopaedics but has learned gynecology.
This movie also featured Rakul Preet Singh and a Bigg Boss contestant, Shefali Shah. Directed by Anubhuti Kashyap, music by Amit Trivedi and produced by Vineet Jain and Ayushmann Khurrana. Film is ready to hit the theater on 14th October 2022.
Songs update of this movie is post soon.