Popular Bollywood director and producer Karan Johar is coming up with another biopic movie on freedom fighter Usha Mehta that features Sara Ali Khan in the lead. The movie is titled 'Ae Watan Mere Watan', which was released on Amazon prime video.
In this movie, Sara Ali Khan plays the role of a freedom fighter. Sara Ali Khan shared the movie announcement video on their social accounts and says 'Enough said Varun Dhawan dopping my look from the film soon, stay tuned darshako! Ae Watan On Prime, coming soon'. In this announcement video, Sara Ali Khan, as the lead actor in this movie, was introduced by Varun Dhawan in Sara Ali Khan Style.
About First Look and Release Date
The first look of Sara Ali Khan from this movie will be dropped soon. This movie will not be released in cinemas, it will be directly released in cinemas. The release date is not confirmed except for release in August 2022.
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