The Adipurush movie is based on Ramayana and they will release the teaser of this movie on the Sarayu River Bank in Ayodhya, Uttar Pardesh. This movie also features Saif Ali Khan as a lankesh. This movie was directed by Om Raut and produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar and Om Raut. This film will be released in cinemas in the upcoming year on 12th January 2023.
The makers of Adipurush decided that the teaser of this movie will be released on 2nd October 2022, on Sunday and it is confirmed. Also, the teaser release time was also confirmed and it was 7:11 am. Also, with the teaser of this movie, Kriti Sanon's Bhediya trailer will be going on release this weekend.
Also Read: 'Bhediya' Trailer Release Date featuring Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon confirmed