Indian Idol, a popular Indian singing reality show, started a few weeks ago. The audition round of this season is completed and the judges choose the top 30 contestants after audition. Today is the big day, the elimination of 15 contestants in the theatre round and we have 15 top contestants that move forward in this show.
The judges in this show, Neha Kakkar, Vishal Dadlani and Himesh Reshammiya decides the top 15. Today the guest in the show was the great singer Falguni Pathak. The strong contestant in this season 13 of Indian Idol is Rishi Singh, who sings Arijit Singh's Kesariya in the theatre round and will a strong chance of being a winner of this season.
The list of Top 15 contestants is here.
1. Shivam Singh - selected
2. Rishi Singh - selected
3. Vineet Singh - selected
4. Bidipta - selected
5. Senjuti - selected
6. Pritam - selected
7. Deboshimita - selected
8. Navdeep Wadali - selected
9. Sonakshi - selected
10. Chirag - selected
11. Kavya - selected
12. Shagun - selected
13. Anushka - selected
14. Sanchari - selected
15. Rupam - selected
Which favourite contestants is missing of yours in top 15 comment here 👇.