Rishi Singh, a talented contestant of Indian Idol Season 13, is from Ramnagari, Ayodhya won the hearts of judges and fans with his brilliant performance on 'Kesariya Tera Ishq Hai Piya' from Brahamastra in the theatre round of Indian Idol in be the upcoming episode will showed next week. While Vishal Dadlani, Neha Kakkar and Himesh Reshammiya came on the stage, hugged and appreciated Rishi Singh for his performance.
Today, the new promo of Indian Idol 13 is out now, which shows whether Rishi will be able to make it to the top 14? However, until now, Rishi Singh has always given brilliant performances in both audition and theatre round. In the audition round, he sang 'Tu Pehla Pehla Pyaar Hai' and the judge was very happy with the performances by saying 'This is one of the finest auditions round performances that we have seen'.
Do you think Rishi Singh will be able to make it to the top 14 or not? comment below.